Saturday, July 16, 2005

kaleidowhirl blog

Note added 8/31/2006: This blog was created in 2005 and obviously not used for months. I have tried out some blog services and blogspot seems to fit kaleidowhirl's needs and my ease of use as a novice blogger. Notices of award nominations, kaleidowhirl noted elsewhere on the web, and posts about technical difficulties will be the focus of this blog; I plan to update it as needed, but do not plan on posting often or adding lots of links due to time constraints. Please visit kaleidowhirl at Thank you.

Original post: I've created a blog for kaleidowhirl, the online literary journal I edit. For announcements about new issues and submission calls, I use my notify list; I want to keep it for those who want a very low-volume notice of the basics regarding kaleidowhirl.

In this blog, I intend to share more detailed information and have an easily-accessible place to post notices (for example, delays in publishing and computer problems which slow down production -- this blog will allow me to post such info if I need to use another computer without having to FTP info to the kaleidowhirl site).